How to Create a Promo Code for Your Event

Creating promotional codes can be a great way to offer discounts to attendees and encourage more sales for your event. Follow the steps below to set up a promo code for your event.

Step 1: Accessing the Promo Code Feature

1. Navigate to your event Details page.

2. Click on the "Promo codes" tab, usually found near the top of the page next to other tabs like "Details," "Schedule," "Tickets," and "Settings."

Step 2: Adding a Promo Code

  1. Click “Add code” to get started.
  2. In the "Add promo code" field, type the promo code you want to offer. Alternatively, you can click on "Generate" to create a random unique code. Codes can contain letters, numbers, and symbols, but not spaces.
    1. Note: A promo code can not be the same as a secret code already used to reveal certain tickets

  1. Customers will need to enter this code at checkout to apply the discount.

NOTE: Customers will only see the option to enter a code if a code has been created for the event.

Step 3: Setting Usage Limits

  1. Decide if you want the promo code to be "Unlimited" or "Limited."
    • Unlimited: The code can be used by any number of customers.
    • Limited: Set the maximum number of times the promo code can be used by entering a number in the provided field.

Step 4: Determining the Discount Amount

  1. Choose the type of discount you are offering – a fixed dollar amount off the ticket price or a percentage off, and enter the amount in the corresponding field.

Step 5: Scheduling the Promo Code

  1. Choose when you want the promo code to start:
    • Now: The promo code is active immediately.
    • Scheduled time: Select the specific date and time the promo code will become active.
  2. Decide when the promo code will end:
    • When ticket sales end: The promo code is valid until the end of the ticket sales.
    • Scheduled time: Select the specific date and time the promo code will expire.

Step 6: Applying the Code to Tickets

  1. Choose whether the promo code applies to:
    • All tickets: The promo code is valid for every ticket type available.
    • Only certain tickets: The promo code is valid only for specific ticket types selected.

Step 7: Saving Your Promo Code

  1. Once all settings are configured to your preference, click "Save" to activate the promo code.
  2. If you want to discard the promo code, click "Cancel."

Additional Tips

  • Promo Code Visibility: Consider where and how you advertise your promo codes to reach your target audience effectively.
  • Tracking Promo Code Usage: Keep track of how often each promo code is used to measure the success of your promotional efforts.

Remember to inform your customers of the promo code terms, including the discount value, usage limits, and validity period, to ensure a clear and positive experience.

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