Adding guests and POS transactions using Stripe Terminal

  1. Now that you're set up, you're ready to start adding manual orders at the door.
  2. To use the Terminal to accept payments:

a. In the guest list for your event, click “Add Guest” in the upper right corner

b. Select the ticket tier(s) and quantities and click the ‘Continue’ button

c. Enter 'First Name', 'Last Name', and 'Email address' ( optional)

d. On the 'Guest Info' page select either the ‘Terminal payment’ or 'Cash payment' or ‘Free’ option button

e. Choose “Cash payment” to record the transaction in your event stats or click “Free” to add guests without taking payment. Both ‘Cash payment’ and ‘Free’ will redirect to the success page and complete the transaction.

f. Clicking on ‘Terminal Payment’ will proceed to the page where you can choose the Stripe Terminal. The Stripe Terminal button is only displayed when the Viewcy Card reader is added. Refer to this article for more details on How to add a Viewcy card reader

g. Select your terminal

      1. Now the card reader is ready to scan your customer’s credit card.
      2. Clicking on ‘Cancel transaction’ will cancel the transaction and return to the previous step:

    • Once the customer’s card is scanned, the payment will be processed and a success message will be displayed, or if the payment is not processed successfully, an error message will be displayed.

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