Streaming from Zoom to Viewcy

Streaming from Zoom to Viewcy

Part 1: Configuring zoom

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an administrator with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. Click Account Management> Account Settings.
  3. Toggle the Allow live streaming the meetings under In Meeting (Advanced), and enable 'Custom Live Streaming Service.'

Part 2: Request a Stream key from Viewcy

Write requesting a unique stream key for your event. Be sure to mention, your name, and a link to the event with your request. Please send this request at least 48 hours in advanced. Viewcy will reply with a Stream URL, Stream key, and the Live streaming page URL. 

Part 3: Going live

Once you have your credentials, go into Zoom, click on the "three dot" menu and click "Live on Custom Streaming Service." Enter the Viewcy streaming credentials in the form, and click go Live.

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